Ask Me Anything — April 30, 2023

In this installment of “Ask Me Anything,” Pastor Luke had time to address six questions.

Image: Jack Bulmer / Pixabay
  • {00:50} If God already knows what’s on our heart, why pray?
  • {05:01} Why don’t we celebrate Communion weekly?
  • {09:30} Can we have a cursor to help with projected music?
  • {11:32} How can we be sure we’re hearing from God?
  • {15:36} How can someone harmed by Christians trust God?
  • {22:20} What does the Bible say about dinosaurs?
  • {27:30} Closing Prayer

Boots on the Ground — Part 3 of “Peace”

Composite Image: Pixabay

Jesus told his disciples to take their peace out into the troubles of the world. That seems like an odd way to find peace, but suppose you do. What comes next? How does it work? Pastor Luke looks at Philippians 4:4–9 in “Boots On the Ground,” part 3 of his 6-part series “Peace.”

Seeing — Part 5 of “Breakup”

Image: Ksenia Chernaya / Pexels

During Lent we pause to consider that we have committed sins, but even more, that we are sinful people – there is some part of us that actually wants to sin. God did not make people that way, but something has gone wrong. Looking at people with physical problems gives us a new way to think about our sinfulness problem. Pastor Luke teaches from Luke 18:35–43 in “Seeing,” the concluding message in his series “Breakup.”

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